杨 朦








2011.09-2015.06  加拿大阿尔伯塔大学农业、生命及环境科学院,获理学学士

2015.09-2017.11  加拿大阿尔伯塔大学农业、生命及环境科学院,获理学硕士

2018.09-2021.06  武汉大学经济与管理学院,获管理学博士

2021.11-至今    中南财经政法大学古天乐太阳娱乐集团tyc493博士后流动站,博士后


1.         Yang, M., H. Wang, and F. Qiu. 2019. The Built Environment of Schools: Access to Unhealthy Food Outlets and Outdoor Recreational Facilities. Cities 87: 229-237.

2.         Yang, M., F. Qiu, and J. Tu. 2022. Premiums for Residing in Unfavorable Food Environments: Are People Rational? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 6956.

3.         Yang, M., H. Wang, and F. Qiu. 2020. Neighbourhood Food Environments Revisited: When Food Deserts Meet Food Swamps. Canadian Geographer 64 (1): 135-154.

4.         Wichmann, B., and M. Yang. 2017. Blue Beijing: Estimating the Effects of Temporary Emissions Restrictions on Air Quality. Applied Economics Letters 24 (21): 1504-1510.

5.         杨朦. 2015. 关于治理空气污染的经济激励型政策分析. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版),教学与研究卷第1期,157-160.


1.         主持:《环境政策对企业绿色创新的影响:效应评估与政策组合选择》,中南财经政法大学中央高校基本科研项目,项目编号为:2722022BQ0412022.1-2023.123万元,在研。

2.         主持:《市场型环境规制推动企业绿色创新的影响机制研究》,湖北省社科基金一般项目(后期资助项目),项目编号为:HBSK2022YB3882022.7-2023.72万元,在研。


1.         Yang, M., F. Qiu, and W. Huang. Willingness to Pay for Access to Healthy and Unhealthy Food Suppliers: The Role of the Food Environment.20207月在美国农业和应用经济学年会(The Agricultural and Applied Economics Assocation Annual Meeting)线上会议进行演讲.

2.         Tu, J., F. Qiu, and M. Yang.The Value of Healthy Eating vs. the Value of Convenience: Investigating the Willingness to Pay for Living in Food Swamps. 20207月参与美国农业和应用经济学年会(The Agricultural and Applied Economics Assocation Annual Meeting)线上会议.

3.         Yang, M., C.F. Slabber, S. M. Gutenthaler et al. Environmental Binoculars – Everyone Has an Impact! 20206月在德国林岛诺贝尔获得者大会Sciathon项目(The Lindau Nobel Laurate Meetings Sciathon project)线上会议进行汇报.

4.         Qiu, F. and M. Yang. Are People Willing to Pay for Improving the Food Environment? Evidence from a Spatial Hedonic Analysis of Residential Property Values.20197月在美国农业和应用经济学年会(The Agricultural and Applied Economics Assocation Annual Meeting)进行演讲.

5.         Yang, M., P. Marcoul, and B. Wichmann. Gift Giving with Coercion in Rural Communities of Tanzania. 20176月在加拿大农业经济年会(The Canadian Agricultural Economics Society Annual Meeting)进行演讲并获得研究生毕业论文竞赛第三名.

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